Commercial building - LP6

At the Ludwigsplatz the former ?Quelle?-store, were the company Karstadt had a living and lifestyle store for several years, will be changed into a modern, contemporary realty. All in all 15090 sqm are available.

Macro location - Commercial building ? LP6

The catchment area of Darmstadt holds approximately 500000 habitants and is the ideal location for shopping trips. The main streets ?Cityring? in Darmstadt is directly connected to the federal street B26 and the on-ramp ?Darmstädter Kreuz? (A5/A67).

Micro location - Commercial building ? LP6

The commercial building is located at the pedestrian street of the Ludwigsplatz. The nearby Luisenplatz is the ?intersection? of the local public transport. The attached underground garage offers 530 parking lots.

Land allocation - Commercial building LP6

The usages are arranged as follows:
Electronics-Retailer: 5600 sqm, rented
Store selling sports wear: 3700 sqm, rented
Groceries: 1400 sqm, rented
Gastronomy: 1150 sqm, rented
Further areas: 1900 sqm, rented
Office: 1290 sqm, 600 sqm for rent
Download of the PDF footprint, please click on the respective link.

- Basement

- first floor

- 1st second floor

- 2nd second floor

- 3rd second floor